Mobile Ticketing
To serve your MaaS projects
To serve your MaaS projects
Making access to sustainable mobility easier
At Digimobee, we are convinced that travelers prefer sustainable mobility when they are easy to use. Currently, fare policy and validation technologies vary from one territory and mode to another. For travelers, the purchase and validation process remains complex.
We innovate in mobile ticketing to ensure all travelers have seamless access to multiple networks and transportation modes. Thus, the mobile ticketing channel becomes dominant and attractive for Public Transport Authorities and Operators.

Faciliter l’accès aux mobilités durables
At Digimobee, we are convinced that travelers prefer sustainable mobility when they are easy to use. Currently, fare policy and validation technologies vary from one territory and mode to another. For travelers, the purchase and validation process remains complex.
We innovate in mobile ticketing to ensure all travelers have seamless access to multiple networks and transportation modes. Thus, the mobile ticketing channel becomes dominant and attractive for Public Transport Authorities and Operators.

The phone, the ideal channel to buy tickets and subscriptions, load them on one’s phone or card and travel across all territories.
Our mobile ticketing solutions provide all the technological modules and services to enable mobile sales and validation. Everywhere, Mobeepass interacts with your validation infrastructures and interfaces with your systems to create a consistent environment and structure your MaaS projects. The mobile ticketing channel becomes obvious for travelers, and is the most relevant for Public Transport Authorities and Operators.


Mobile & card


MaaS enabler


We support local Authorities and operators of all sizes: cities, regions, countries.

Accelerate transition to sustainable mobility
Facilitating interoperability is our obsession. We are convinced that modular architectures, with open interfaces, help. We believe that standardisation allows competition to focus on innovation, while capitalising on existing infrastructures. This is why we have been contributing for more than 10 years to the development and adoption of standards (CEN TC278WG3, ITxPT, Calypso, …).
We are committed to their support.